Electronic Application Form for Craft Show(s) 

Make sure you know the prices and size you want 

You will now have the ability to fill out your forms and I will get them immediately. You can pay with your Credit Card or check .  We are looking into electronic checks for this year also.

Check the list of shows, the cost for the spaces you want. If you want 1 / 8 foot spaces you would click box beside the 1. If you wanted 2 / 8 foot spaces you would click 2. The same goes for the 10x10 or 12 foot spaces. If you want only 1 table for your space per show only click 1 table. If you want more tables enter the amount and add it to your total cost.

You can also click how many corners you want (they have to be added to a space) in other words you cannot add only a corner without a space. Add up the cost. If you want more than 1 show total them all up for one total  price. I hope you enjoy this feature. *NOTE: There will be a 5% office fee for using a credit card. 

DO NOT fill out the form if you haven't figured out how much you are going to pay. 

Click on the link to get the prices if you haven't done so yet  This will give you show fees and sizes
nce you finish call with your credit card or add to the application, we are no longer taking PayPal.

Show Application Form

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

You can call with your credit card # to 706-843-9188 and note there is a 5 % office fee for usi8ng a credit card. 
Please DO NOT use the form above if payment is other than PayPal or a credit card.

If you want to use a check use the link below.
Click on this link written forms, print & fill out the forms and mail to me with a check 3 weeks prior to a show.

Lois Taylor
209 Oxford Dr
Thomson, GA., 30824

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