New York Craft Shows 2008
New York craft shows and craft fairs are some of the best in the area. My name is Lois Taylor and I want to thank you for coming to one of our new sites. None of the shows listed here are run by me or New England Craft Fairs. Here is our first show for this site. We will now be adding more New York craft shows. Featured sites will be on the first page. Let all your promoters know about it. Your emails or any other information you give us will not be rented, sold, or given to other parties. The information will be used only by newenglandcraftfairs or my AOL email address (LTpromo(at) take out the (at) and add @ in it's place, this is only done to keep the spammers out of my email address) to send you information about our site. This is our guarantee.
Name of Show: 2nd year Annual St Lawrence River Rustic Arts & Craft Show
Show Location: Alexandria Bay, NY
Address: Bonnie Castle Recreation Center, Alexander Bay I-81 and Rt 12 Exit 50
Are you still taking exhibitors for the show?: yes
Date of Show: Aug 1-3,
Hours of Show: Fri 5-8, Sat 10-6, Sun 10-4,
Attendance: 1,000
Juried?: yes, Fine Designer Crafts and Arts # of spaces: 100
Show Space Sizes & Fees: 10X10 spaces $175.00
Show director: Contact Dale Sears
Address: 41673 County Rt 21, Redwood, NY 13679
E-mail Address:
Web Site URL:
Home Phone: 315-628-5868
Map to St Lawrence River Rustic Arts & Craft Show
If you know of any good shows in New York, send this link to the promoters to list their shows. Promoters you can use this form to list shows, include all information including phone numbers, email addresses and websites.
Promoters list your shows here.
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