New Jersey Craft Fairs

The promoters of New Jersey Craft Fairs and Craft Shows are listing their shows to give you the opportunity to sell your work at festivals and craft shows around the state.

My name is Lois Taylor and I want to thank you for coming to our new site. Tell other crafters, artists, and customers of the site which is totaly free to view. I hope you come back to check out the site again as we will have a much larger site in the future with online craft shows available which you can participate in. The key to this site will be to help all artists and craftsmen to save money. Check out the whole site and have a great time. Tell me what you like and don't like about the site.

If you know of any good shows that aren't listed here, you can click on a link we have at the bottom of the show list. Please fill out the information in the order I have used in the site to make it quicker to list. You can also tell promoters of the site, I will list their website.

Promoters you can also use this form to list your shows, include all information including phone numbers and email addresses, I will list websites for a small fee.

Your emails or any other information you give us will not be rented, sold, or given to other parties. The information will be used only by or my AOL email address to send you information about our site. This is our guarantee.