Connecticut Craft Shows
Some of the Best in New England

My name is Lois Taylor and I want to thank you for coming to our site. Connecticut craft shows and craft fairs are some of the best in New England. Here is a small list of shows, all free to you. As you know I am just starting the new website, I will have more shows for you at a later date. I hope you come back to check the site again as I will have a much larger site in the future with the addition of crafters selling their products online.

If you know of any good shows that aren't listed here, send this link to the promoter to list their shows.

November 2014 Craft Shows

Cromwell Middle School,
6 Mann Memorial Drive (off Geer Street), Cromwell, CT 06416

November 15, 2014
Hours of Show: 9AM - 3PM
Juried: Photos of crafts are requires; Limited number of jewelers.
Booths: 87
Show Space Sizes & Fees for Crafters: 9 X 8 (Frontage X Width)Single $50, Double $90
Admission $3.00; Seniors Free of Charge
Show Chairman: Sue Michnicki
P.O. Box 50, Cromwell, CT., 06416
Home Phone: 860-874-3208
Business Phone: 860-874-3208

Show Directions and Map

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Maine Craft Fairs Calendar of Events

Lois Taylor
209 Oxford Dr.
Thomson, GA 30824

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